A simple scientific guide to achieving weight loss

This article is for you if you have ever been frustrated by the sheer amount of inaccurate weight loss information. It breaks down weight loss to its scientific principles for you to understand bodyweight regulation. After reading it, you will never fall into the trap of a fake diet and finally be able to achieve the body weight you want. Sounds good? Let’s dive right in.

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Kiwi-Banane-Spinat Smoothie

Kiwi-Banane-Spinat Smoothie

  • Mixgerät
  • 3 Kiwis
  • 1 Banane
  • 60 g Gefrorener Spinat
  • 200 mL Milch oder Milchersatz deiner Wahl
  • 200 g Griechischer Joghurt
  • 2 TL Leinsamen oder Chiasamen
  1. Kombiniere alle Zutaten in einem Mixer deiner Wahl und püriere bis die gewünschte Konsistenz erreicht ist.

Breakfast, Snack
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